Stone Circles

There are several stone circles in Devon and quite a few of these are still in good condition.

The best of these is probably Scorhill Circle, which has about 29 stones still standing. There were originally about 60 stones of varying heights, the tallest is over 7 feet high and the circle has a diameter of about 30 yards. It was of great ceremonial importance and is one of a group of circles aligned in a curve at regular intervals along the north east border of Dartmoor. If you stand in the centre of the circle on a midsummers evening, you can see the sun setting behind the tallest stone.

A lovely picture of me leaning against the tall stone and below is the whole circle

Faithless wives and fickle maidens were forced to expiate their misdeeds on the wilds of Dartmoor.

The erring women had first to wash in Cranmere Pool, then come back across the moor to Scorhill Circle and run around it three times. Next they were forced down to the banks of the Teign where they had to pass through the Tolmen Stone in the riverbed. They then had to make their weary way up to the Grey Wethers Circles. Here the woman would fall on her knees before one of the standing stones and pray for forgiveness. If nothing happened she would rise and return home, purged of her sins, but if they were too heinous for remission then the huge stone fell slowly forward and crushed her.

It is also said that horses will not enter this circle.

This is a stone circle known as The Nine Maidens.

It stands on Dartmoor at a place called Belstone, near Okehampton.

Legend has it that the stones were once young girls who danced on the Sabbath and were turned to stone.

The story also says that on Sundays at noon they still dance.

I don't know about that but I do know that Ley Lines run through the circle giving it a mystical feel, especially on an autumn day at dawn.

The photo below shows the centre of the circle with its strange markings. These are not man-made and there are no sheep droppings in the circle although the sheep graze all around the area.

In the very centre is a stone under which people leave small offerings. When we looked under the stone there was an item of jewellery and some scraps of cloth. It reminded me of the belief people have in holy wells.
